Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin, Legacy Grant Recipient Profile

by | Announcements

To enhance the lives of people with disabilities across Wisconsin, the Wispact Foundation awarded Legacy Grants 2021 totaling over $168,000 to 22 non-profit organizations.

We’re proud to profile one of our grant winners, The Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin whose mission is to create connections, empowering everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully.

” We really appreciate the funding. It’s been great and there’s a lot of need; we’ve filled our scholarships and stipends. The people who’ve received grants are very appreciative, so thank you.”

— Kirsten Cooper, Executive Director, Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin

Wispact’s Grant is helping support The Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin’s 2022 Wisconsin Autism Conference at the Kalahari in the Wisconsin Dells, April 29th and the 30th.

“This is our 33rd annual conference and our first in-person event since 2019 and we’re really missing the in-person community feel of getting together,” according to Kirsten Cooper, Executive Director, Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin.

The Wispact grant is helping reduce financial barriers that some autistic adults might face in attending. “We have 15 conference scholarships to cover the cost of registration, and then we’re also able to offer a stipend for travel, hotel costs, meals or gas,” Cooper added.

Wispact’s grant is also allowing attendees to receive communication pins which is an accommodation that supports social interaction for people with a variety of disabilities. People can display a red, yellow, or green, pin informing others their comfort level with personal interaction during the conference.

Cooper concluded, “When I talk to adults and families that are new to autism, what I hear is just that this is a place that they come and be themselves — they really feel understood and welcomed. We appreciate all that Wispact has done to help us make this event even more accessible.”